Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular rules for routine tests referring to appliances under the scope of EN 60335-1
A current of at least 10 A, derived from a source having a no-load voltage not exceeding 12 V (a.c. or
d.c.), is passed between each of the accessible earthed metal parts and
for class I appliances intended to be permanently connected to fixed wiring, the earthing terminal;
for other class I appliances,
the earthing pin or earthing contact of the plug;
the earthing pin of the appliance inlet.
The voltage drop is measured and the resistance is calculated and shall not exceed
for appliances having a supply cord, 0,2 Ω, or 0,1 Ω plus the resistance of the supply cord,
for other appliances, 0,1 Ω.
NOTE 1 The test is only carried out for the duration necessary to enable the voltage drop to be measured.
NOTE 2 Care is to be taken to ensure that the contact resistance between the tip of the measuring probe and the metal
part under test does not influence the test results.
CYS EN 50106:2008
A current of at least 10 A, derived from a source having a no-load voltage not exceeding 12 V (a.c. or
d.c.), is passed between each of the accessible earthed metal parts and
for class I appliances intended to be permanently connected to fixed wiring, the earthing terminal;
for other class I appliances,
the earthing pin or earthing contact of the plug;
the earthing pin of the appliance inlet.
The voltage drop is measured and the resistance is calculated and shall not exceed
for appliances having a supply cord, 0,2 Ω, or 0,1 Ω plus the resistance of the supply cord,
for other appliances, 0,1 Ω.
NOTE 1 The test is only carried out for the duration necessary to enable the voltage drop to be measured.
NOTE 2 Care is to be taken to ensure that the contact resistance between the tip of the measuring probe and the metal
part under test does not influence the test results.