Pesonal potective equipment against falls fom a height - Pat 2: Guided type fall aestes including a igid ancho line
This European Standard specifies the requirements, test methods, marking, information supplied by the manufacturer
and packaging for guided type fall arresters including a flexible anchor line which can be secured to an upper anchor
point. Guided type fall arresters including a flexible anchor line conforming to this European Standard are subsystems
constituting a part of one of the fall arrest systems covered by EN 363. Other types of fall arresters are
specified in EN 353-1 or EN 360. Energy absorbers are specified in EN 355.
CYS EN 353-2:2002
This European Standard specifies the requirements, test methods, marking, information supplied by the manufacturer
and packaging for guided type fall arresters including a flexible anchor line which can be secured to an upper anchor
point. Guided type fall arresters including a flexible anchor line conforming to this European Standard are subsystems
constituting a part of one of the fall arrest systems covered by EN 363. Other types of fall arresters are
specified in EN 353-1 or EN 360. Energy absorbers are specified in EN 355.