Paints and varnishes - Wettability - Part 4: Determination of the polar and dispersive fractions of the surface tension of liquids from an interfacial tension (ISO 19403-4:2017)

This document specifies a test method to determine the polar and dispersive fraction of the surface tension of liquids with optical methods. The method can be applied for the characterization of liquid coating materials, especially when drying effects occur during measurement. The applicability can be restricted for liquids with non-Newtonian rheology1). This document assumes that the information of surface tension of the liquid to be tested, as well as at least one suitable reference liquid, is known.
This document specifies a test method to determine the polar and dispersive fraction of the surface tension of liquids with optical methods. The method can be applied for the characterization of liquid coating materials, especially when drying effects occur during measurement. The applicability can be restricted for liquids with non-Newtonian rheology1). This document assumes that the information of surface tension of the liquid to be tested, as well as at least one suitable reference liquid, is known.