Intelligent transport systems - ESafety - ECall end to end conformance testing for IMS packet switched based systems
This document defines the key actors in the eCall chain of service provision using IMS over packet switched networks (such as LTE/4G) as:
1) In-vehicle system (3.20) (IVS)/vehicle,
2) Mobile network Operator (MNO),
3) Public safety answering point (3.27) (PSAP),
and to provide conformance tests for actor groups 1) - 3)
CYS CEN/TS 17240:2018
This document defines the key actors in the eCall chain of service provision using IMS over packet switched networks (such as LTE/4G) as:
1) In-vehicle system (3.20) (IVS)/vehicle,
2) Mobile network Operator (MNO),
3) Public safety answering point (3.27) (PSAP),
and to provide conformance tests for actor groups 1) - 3)