Fire extinguishing systems in commercial kitchens - System design, documentation, and test requirements
This document establishes the minimum requirements applicable to the design, installation, functioning, test and maintenance of fixed automatic fire extinguishing systems for kitchen protection that covers the cooking appliances, the hood, the plenum and the air extract ducts. This document also provides requirements for the construction and components performance as applicable to specific types, designs, sizes and arrangements of pre-engineered kitchen fire-extinguishing systems. This document does not cover household kitchens or industrial food production equipment. The detailed test procedures for the plenum and air extract ducts are contained in CEN/TS 17749. Closed plenum type ventilated ceilings designed similar to standard hoods are included in this document. Open plenum type ventilated ceilings are excluded and require an engineered solution for the plenum protection. Protection for appliances below open or closed plenum ventilated ceilings are included.
CYS EN 17446:2021
This document establishes the minimum requirements applicable to the design, installation, functioning, test and maintenance of fixed automatic fire extinguishing systems for kitchen protection that covers the cooking appliances, the hood, the plenum and the air extract ducts. This document also provides requirements for the construction and components performance as applicable to specific types, designs, sizes and arrangements of pre-engineered kitchen fire-extinguishing systems. This document does not cover household kitchens or industrial food production equipment. The detailed test procedures for the plenum and air extract ducts are contained in CEN/TS 17749. Closed plenum type ventilated ceilings designed similar to standard hoods are included in this document. Open plenum type ventilated ceilings are excluded and require an engineered solution for the plenum protection. Protection for appliances below open or closed plenum ventilated ceilings are included.